We Are in The Business of Making Complex Data Simple

Whether it’s IPEDS, internal, or other third-party sources, Siffras helps institutions make their data accessible, understandable, and actionable.

Simplify The IPEDS Process

Siffras provides an easier, more effective way to collect data and complete your IPEDS surveys so you can focus on more strategic initiatives that support your institution’s goals. This web-based, user-friendly platform offers Ready-To-Go Dashboards, Data Visualizations, and Dynamic Reports pre-configured with the institution-specific data needed to complete and accurately submit all IPEDS reporting surveys.

Rapid Decision-Making Empowers Timely Decisions

In the ever-evolving world of higher education, time is essential. Siffras provides near real-time dashboards and reporting, allowing you to make informed decisions swiftly and confidently. It offers a simpler, quicker way to run reports and visualize data, making your job easier.

Interactive Reports, Charts & Dynamic Dashboards at Your Convenience

  • Dashboards show summarized data quickly, simply, and graphically to users throughout your institution. The interactive charting module adds visualizations such as gauges, pie charts, bar graphs, line plots, and more to your dashboards. Charts can become interactive, allowing users to drill down into the data for a more detailed analysis.
    • Powerful, near-real-time dashboards and reporting for data visualization and insights.
    • Customizable reports and sophisticated dashboards with comprehensive overview and robust data analysis capabilities.
  • Get the most out of your data with Siffras.
  • Visualize real-time information for quick and easy understanding.
  • Communicate data quickly and effectively so that performance is optimized.
  • With interactive charts, you’ll get
    • Multiple Data Source Access – Combine and view all the information you’ll need from multiple data sources, including data warehouses and SQL-compliant databases.
    • Customizable View – Personalize dashboards to meet institution and/or department requirements. Use visualizations such as gauges, pie charts, bar graphs, candle plots, and more to illustrate long-term strategic reports or day-to-day operational reports.
    • Drill-down Capability – With a click of the mouse, drill down into a chart to see greater levels of detail and gain better insight into daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly trends, key performance indicators (KPIs), and general metrics.
    • Availability to All Users – Customize based on individual roles, allowing for better department and data management.
    • Ready-to-Go Dashboards – Save time and take advantage of the best practices by using dashboards created by Siffras. Out of the box, ready to go.
    • Access from Anywhere – Securely access dashboards from anywhere, and by any authorized user, through a web page or portal.
Enable Your Team
  • User-friendly interface for creating reports and dynamic visualizations, accessible to users of all backgrounds. An easier way for everyone to take charge of their data visualization and reporting needs.
  • Liberate the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness to focus on complex data requests while enabling administrators and staff to generate dashboards, charts, and reports.
  • With Siffras, there’s no programming experience required, no need to wait for lengthy data draws from technical staff, and no precious time wasted on inefficient data aggregation and reporting.
  • Frees Up IT. No complex development or lengthy installation and easy maintenance.
Seamless Integration with Other Applications To Centralize Your Inbound & Outbound Data

In today’s technological landscape, it’s not unusual for institutions to pull in data and send it to numerous systems - some on-premise and some in the cloud. Our experienced team provides a fully managed data integration service to connect various data sources at your institution. Siffras ensures your data is clean, consistent, and focused. Our team assures that the data you’re basing your decisions on can be trusted time after time, regardless of what or how many data sources you use.

  • Break down data silos. Connect to any source to make more data sources accessible.
  • Extract more value from your data. Find new insights by combining data across systems and sources.
  • Scale as you go. Add unlimited data sources at your convenience.
  • Uniform data across departments. Only one true source of data. Everyone works from the same.
  • Consistent data year over year. Compare apples to apples.
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